CPPM chairs will:

  • have significant experience in child protection practice
  • have sufficient authority, skill and experience to carry out the functions of the Chair
  • be able to challenge all contributing services on progress
  • be from social work services
  • be able to access suitable training and peer support

In the majority of cases in Highland, a Quality Assurance and Reviewing Officer will Chair CPPMs. As far as possible, the same person should chair initial and review CPPMs.

The chair’s role

This includes:

  • agreeing who to invite and ensuring that all persons invited to the CPPM understand it's purpose, functions and the relevance of their particular contribution
  • meeting with parents/carers to explain the nature of the meeting, and possible outcomes
  • ensuring that the parents/carers and child’s views are taken into account
  • confirming the identity and role of the lead professional at the meeting
  • facilitating information-sharing, analysis and consensus about the risks and
  • protective factors
  • facilitating decisions and determining the way forward as necessary
  • ensuring consideration of referral to Principal Reporter
  • where a child’s name is placed on the Register, outlining decisions that will help
  • discuss and agree the initial Child Protection Plan (to be further developed at the first Core Group meeting), identifying the lead professional (if not already appointed), and advising parents/carers about local dispute resolution processes
  • facilitating the identification of a Core Group of staff responsible for implementing and monitoring the Child Protection Plan
  • agreeing review dates which keep to national timescales
  • following up on actions and responsibilities when these have not been met
  • ensuring that arrangements are made for any practitioner forming part of the Core Group who was not present at the CPPM to be informed about the outcome of the CPPM and the decisions made. A copy of the Child Protection Plan must be sent to them
  • Decision letter to be sent to all participants within 5 working days