Fiona Mackintosh - Child Protection Learning & Development Officer, Highland Child Protection Committee
About this toolkit

Content has been checked for accessibility in the initial development of the guidance, and in accordance with the RDS standard operating procedure.
The content has been reviewed and approved in line with the Highland Child Protection Committee governance process in October 2024.
The procedures are set for three years, and the app will be reviewed a year from the time of publication, and then two years thereafter in line with the review of the procedures due in September 2027.
Unscheduled content changes or updates will be reported to the Highland Child Protection Committee and will be reviewed on a quarterly basis for consideration and approval.
The Highland Child Protection procedures have been signed off by the Public Protection Chief Officers Group, and the toolkit content has been approved and signed off by he Highland Child Protection Committee Quality Assurance Group.
Copyright compliance for content has been checked and confirmed.
The content of this toolkit was created and is owned by the Highland Child Protection Committee, and direct links to original sources are included where referenced.
All icons are from, accessed through the license held by Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.
The content of this toolkit is based on the Highland Child Protection Procedures, which have been adapted from the National Guidance for Child Protection (2021) – updated 2023, and National GIRFEC Guidance (2022) to the Highland context.
Significant consultation was gathered through a multi-agency setting throughout 2023 to develop these procedures with final sign-off by the Public Protection Chief Officers Group.
The Highland child protection procedures 2024 content and this RDS toolkit have been signed off by the Highland Child Protection Committee Quality Assurance group in October 2024. It will be updated when national updates become available.
The Quality Assurance group of the Highland Child Protection Committee will oversee the the ongoing development, governance and sign off of the app.
Links to the Highland Child Protection Committee website have been embedded throughout the toolkit, where feedback can be submitted.
Any messages received through the generic RDS Feedback form will also be forwarded to the key contact email address who will address the feedback as above.
If the app requires significant amendments, it will be referred to Highland Child Protection Committee for consideration at their quarterly meetings.
The app has been risk assessed, and mitigations put in place where required.
The toolkit has been user-tested and any feedback was presented to the Learning and Development officer for the Highland Child Protection Committee for consideration.