The membership of the standards development group covered a range of clinicians, professionals and people with lived experience from across Scotland. This included representation from:

  • clinical, nursing, allied health professionals, staff from adult and young people’s gender identity service; psychology; psychiatry; endocrinology; paediatrics; pharmacy, service managers
  • people with lived experience
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland, National Services Scotland, Public Health Scotland
  • third sector
  • Scottish Government representatives attended development group meetings as observers.

The standards development group was supported by a standards and indicators project team from Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

An editorial panel met in July 2024 to review and agree the final standards for publication as a final quality assurance check.

The editorial panel ensured that:

  • the standards were developed according to agreed Healthcare Improvement Scotland methodologies
  • the standards document addresses the areas to be covered within the agreed scope
  • any risk of bias in the standards development process was minimised.