
The toolkit centralises fertility information and document storage to help clinicians and other healthcare professionals make decisions about fertility services they offer and how they are delivered. 

The toolkit is aimed at clinicians and other healthcare professionals working in clinics and hospitals in primary, secondary and tertiary care settings in Scotland. 

Fertility Scotland programme manager nss.fertilityscotlandnetwork@nhs.scot

All documents are checked for accessibility by a member of Fertility Scotland programme team as well as National Services Scotland quality team.

Content has been checked for accessibility on RDS in line with the relevant RDS standard operating procedure.

All information in the toolkit is taken from Fertility Scotland Network documents. The documents are produced by a Fertility Scotland working group and a systematic process is followed for producing these documents using a range of published evidence and clinical input.

All documents have been reviewed and approved for use prior to being added to the toolkit. The toolkit content is checked by a member of the Fertility Scotland programme team and then reviewed by the chair of the working group that developed the document before being published.

In line with the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority regulations, documents are reviewed annually. The process for doing this is managed by the Q-Pulse software to ensure the content is updated at the appropriate time and all decisions are documented. Any changes to the toolkit will be made by the Right Decision Service team and Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Corporate governance for the toolkit is managed by the ACU-Leads Core Steering Group and the Oversight Board of the Network. The toolkit was signed off publication 25 October 2024.

The content of this toolkit complies with copyright legislation, all sources appropriately referenced and permission obtained for reuse of content.

All icons are sourced from Flaticon.com, accessed through the licence held by Tactuum Ltd as software provider of the RDS platform. 

Feedback and complaints should be sent to the Fertility Network Scotland team mailbox nss.fertilityscotlandnetwork@nhs.scot where they will be processed and responded to.

Feedback received will be addressed by the Fertility Network Scotland programme manager and if significant changes are required it will be escalated to the relevant working group. Changes to the toolkit will be made by the Right Decision Service team and Healthcare Improvement Scotland. 

Messages received through the RDS feedback form will be forwarded by the RDS team to the email address above.

The content has been risk assessed:

  • The toolkit does not reference medicines
  • No patient safety risks have been identified

Functional, usability and user acceptance testing took place with the oversight group and a small group of users in October and November 2024. 

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 07/11/2024

Next review date: 07/11/2025

Author(s): Fertility Scotland Network.