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Priority Programmes

To progress the strategic themes described above, NHSGGC will implement a number of key programmes. These will deliver new or enhanced tools to support clinical and other staff in delivering care to patients.

Priority programmes include:

Digital Health & Care Record - Active Clinical Notes

Replacing paper “continuation notes” on wards

GP IT re-provisioning

Modernising GP IT systems

Laboratory Information Management System

Replacing NHSGGC’s LIMS

HEPMA in outpatients

Extending the safety and efficiency benefits of HEPMA to outpatient clinics

eMedicines phase 3

Improving medicines processes within and between hospital, community and primary care

PACS re-provisioning

Modernising the PACS system

Dental EPR

Delivering the benefits of digital tools to oral health services

Unified Care Record

Joining up health and care information across Scotland


Board-wide programmes throughout the outlook period of this strategy will include:

  • Scaling up virtual and remote care
  • Maximising Microsoft Office 365


National context

NHSGGC leads and contributes to a number of digital programmes with regional and national scope. This is an opportunity for NHSGGC to influence the direction of travel and maximise benefits in a “once for Scotland” context.

NHSGGC works closely with national organisations including Health Improvement Scotland, the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre, National Services Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland, and Scottish Government. The complexity of co-ordinating work at national level, and the need to collaborate with multiple suppliers and organisations, can introduce additional challenges.

Key programmes with a national dependency include:

  • GP IT re-provisioning
  • Laboratory Information Management System
  • PACS re-provisioning
  • CHI & Child Health
  • O365
  • eRostering
  • Digital Front Door – Citizen’s Access