Digital maturity review

The purpose of the Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) was to assess the level of readiness for digital transformation across health and social care services in Scotland. The outcomes allow Scottish Government to target future investment and to ensure that the necessary leadership, culture, skills, capability and infrastructure are in place to enable progress and improvement.

In April 2019, the Scottish Government, COSLA and partners developed a DMA in the form of an online questionnaire/self-assessment for completion by all Health Boards and Local Authorities by July 2019 in Scotland.

A series of assessments in relation to Health and Care were completed and included engagement and information sharing with HSCPs.

  • Workshops and surveys including clinicians, service leads, directors, senior managers and subject matter experts
  • HSCP representatives from all local authority partners were involved at all stages
  • A staff survey was also issued
  • eHealth Clinical Leads Group reviewed and endorsed the draft assessments

The results of the report were positive and showed NHSGGC to have scored highly across all 3 main areas of the assessment, Readiness, Capability and Infrastructure. NHSGGC’s overall score was 78% while the NHS Scotland average was 61%.

The feedback session highlighted areas of maturity in relation to Strategic Alignment, Leadership, and Governance. In addition, the investment in acute systems and the use of the DHCR is reflected in high scores for Transfers of Care across acute and primary care responses.

Care setting scores were high in responses specifically relating to Acute, Community and Primary Care.

Key focus areas for further development include:

  • Transfers of care – community
  • Records, assessments & plans – mental health
  • Medicines optimisation – acute, community & mental health
  • Decision support – acute, community & mental health
  • Digital channels for the citizen

Title: top level summary by theme with Digital Health & Care Scotland logo.  DHSC digital maturity scores by organisation.  Scatter graph showing Territorial Health Boards, Special Health Boards and Local Authorities with x axis capabilities theme score 0 to 100 and y axis readiness theme score 0 to 100.  Bubble size indicates infrastructure score.  NHSGGC is between 70 and 80 for capabilities theme score and between 90 and 100 for readiness theme score. Territorial Health Boards and Local Authorities have a similar distribution of scores. Special Health Boards have disproportionately higher scores. Several of the capability section were not relevant to some of the Special Boards. This accounts for one of the significant outliers.