Folate is present in leafy vegetables and fruit but is destroyed by overcooking. It is not stored in the body and so dietary deficiency is very common. Folate and iron are absorbed in the jejunum so combined deficiency is very suggestive of coeliac disease or inflammatory bowel disease. The most useful investigation is dietary history.
Causes of low serum folate levels:
- insufficient/poor diet
- malabsorption syndromes syndromes (e.g. gastric resection/bypass, coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, pancreatic insufficiency and gut infection e.g. giardiasis, fishtapeworm)
- chronic alcoholism
- pregnancy
- dialysis
- drug treatment (anticonvulsants, colestyramine, sulfasalazine, methotrexate)
- increased cell turnover (haemolysis, haemglobinopathy, exfoliative skin disease)