Thrush is a controversial diagnosis as a cause of feeding issues.
Candida albicans appears as white patches on the tongue and inside of the mouth, however some young babies naturally have a white tongue. Milk can also cause a white coating - if this can be wiped off it is not thrush.
Mothers present with bilateral burning pain after feeds, itching, hypersensitivity and a shiny appearance and colour change to the nipples. Typically this follows a period of pain free breastfeeding.
It is essential to check the baby is well attached prior to diagnosing thrush (see referral details above for infant feeding team)
Swab the mother’s nipples and baby’s mouth to confirm thrush.
First line treatment is with topical Miconazole 2% CREAM applied sparingly to mother’s nipples after every feed (do not wash off) and Miconazole GEL to baby’s mouth four times per day. See The Breastfeeding Network for further information on prescribing and what to do if symptoms persist.