The BNF shows manufacturers recommendations with regards to drugs and breastfeeding. Alongside this, it is useful to look at the Breastfeeding Network, UKDILAS or LACTMED prior to advising women with regards to starting/stopping medication when breastfeeding. DO NOT advise to express and discard milk without looking at these sources first.

The GP Infant Feeding Network has information on how to access all of the above sources. 

There are no licensed drugs to improve milk supply. Domperidone (for low supply, encouraging supply in non-birthing parents or re-lactation) has some evidence of effectiveness and is occasionally used under specialist advice after all non-pharmacological routes have been exhausted but should not be initiated by GPs.

Refer patients to the infant feeding team to ensure other ways to increase breastmilk production have been tried. See a summary of the data here: GP infant feeding network - galactogogues. Do not represcribe domperidone without review after 7 days and consider reducing the dose.

Editorial Information

Author(s): Ruth Ginty.