Parental anxiety may be linked to the baby's stools. Babies should pass Meconium within the first 24 hours. Infrequent stooling in the first 2 weeks may be a red flag for insufficient intake and indicates need for further assessment.

From around 6 weeks postpartum some breastfed babies continue to stool with every feed whilst others become super-efficient and only stool once every few days, or even once a week! This is not constipation (which is highly unlikely in an exclusively breastfed baby anyway) because the stools are still soft and yellow.

Occasional green stools indicate that the milk has passed through the intestines relatively quickly, and in the absence of other symptoms, are unlikely to be significant.

La Leche League has information on what is normal infant poo. Breastfeeding support has a visual guide for parents 

See the GP Infant Feeding Network for information on red/amber flags for constipation and management in those under 1 

The NICE guidelines have information on constipation in older children 

Editorial Information

Author(s): Ruth Ginty.