What information do I need to help counsel the patient about PEP?

  • When did the exposure occur? (once 72 hrs are over PEP won’t usually be offered)
  • What type(s) of sex occurred, including the use of condoms?
  • Was there any bleeding or trauma?
  • Was the sex consensual?
  • Is the index partner known to be HIV positive?
  • Does either partner have an existi g sexually transmitted infection?
  • Is the index partner from a high prevalence country/risk group (for example a man who has sex with men, someone who has migrated to the UK from a country where HIV is a lot more common or an intravenous drug user from high risk countries especially Eastern Europe and Central Asia?
  • The patient’s general health?
  • The patient’s medications (including herbal remedies) that might interact with PEP? See http://www.hiv-druginteractions.org
  • For female patients, could she be pregnant?