
Information for general practitioners

Updated 2020

Minocycline is an uncommonly used drug in rheumatoid arthritis when standard DMARDs are contraindicated or ineffective/not tolerated.

The aim of treatment is to suppress disease activity and preserve joint function in the inflammatory arthropathies and other rheumatic disorders.


  • 100mg twice daily


Monitoring procedure

  • Base line assessment only -FBC, U&E and LFT inc albumin
  • Further blood monitoring is not required, though intermittent LFTs are advised


Duration of treatment and time to response

  • Minocycline may take from 2-3 months, up to 1 year to be effective



  • as per BNF - tetracyclines


Side effects

Rare or very rare:

  • acute CKD
  • drug-induced SLE
  • pigmentation
  • neuropathy
  • tinnitus


Hospital contacts

Secretaries 01387 241776

  • Iseabail Graham
  • Caron Cowen


Helpline 01387 241095 (answering machine)

Nurse Specialists:

  • Petra Cannon
  • Ingrid Crane
  • Andrew Wilson 


Department of Rheumatology doctors via Switchboard 01387 246246

  • Dr A Russell - Consultant
  • Dr R Akintayo - Locum Consultant
  • Dr A Drever - Associate Specialist
  • Dr L Moran - Associate Specialist


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/09/2023

Next review date: 20/09/2025

Author(s): Lucy Moran.