
Some tips before referral:

  1. CT head? Do you want a clinical opinion or a CT head scan? – if just the latter then NHS D&G provides open access CT head. Remember, incidental finding (10%) vs. relevant finding (<0.5%), radiation dose is over 100 chest x-rays and studies suggest it doesn’t provide long-lasting reassurance
  2. Acute treatments for migraine – have you tried soluble Aspirin 900mg, Sumatriptan 100mg, Almotriptan 12.5mg, rizatriptan 10mg with anti-emetics? If severe vomiting, try subcutaneous Sumatriptan 6mg.
  3. Preventative treatment for migraine (see below links for more detail) – have you tried a Beta-blocker (eg Propanolol), Antiepileptic (Topiramate) or Tricyclic (eg Amitriptyline) at therapeutic doses for 3-4 months each.
  4. Treatment of medication overuse headache – Stop regular analgesia (especially codeine) and limit acute treatment to 10x/month. Tell the patient they will feel worse for a while and wait for 3-4 weeks before expecting any benefit
  5. Tackle insomnia and fatigue – Many patients with chronic daily headache also have insomnia and fatigue. Improving other causes of these symptoms can improve headache.+

Guide to differentiating headache

Guide to differentiating headache

- Migraine Tension type Cluster Other trigeminal autonomic cephalgias* Cervicogenic Medication overuse
Frequency 1-several/month Variable Every other day to 1–8 per day Multiple daily Daily for weeks 15 or more days in a month
Severity Moderate–severe Mild–moderate Severe–very severe Moderate–severe Moderate–severe Mild–severe
Location Unilateral or bilateral Bilateral Unilateral Unilateral in trigeminal distribution centered around the eye Posterior–unilateral Bilateral (may mimic primary headache medication is used for)
Nature of pain Throbbing/pulsating Pressing/tightening Severe unilateral pain Severe – may be sometimes very brief Ache radiating from neck/occipital region Diffuse ache/pressure
Visual aura +/- (present in a third of patients) - +/- - - +/-
Duration 4–72 hours Variable 15–180 minutes Seconds – 30 min Hours/constant Hours/constant
Nausea ++ +/- +/- - +/- -
Photophobia ++ +/- + often ipsilateral +/- - -
Vomiting + - +/- - - -
Activity Keep still Normal Restless/pacing Keep still or pace Worse with neck movements/sleep & lifting Normal
Examination Normal Tender points Cranial autonomic features during attack Cranial autonomic features during attack Pain on neck movement and pressure Normal
Suggested treatment See following pages See following pages Refer all with new cluster *Refer to neurology (routine) See following pages See following pages

Editorial Information

Next review date: 15/07/2023

Author(s): Ondrej Dolezal.