The lead agency will be responsible for ensuring the production and review of an agreed inter-agency child’s plan as detailed in Part 3 of this Guidance. This should integrate information from previous plans by individual agencies as appropriate. Reports for a CPPM should be shared with everyone involved, especially the child and family in line with GDPR legislation. Reports should be available and presented so that they are accessible to all. This includes, for example, children or parents or carers with learning disabilities.

In child protection cases, the role of a lead professional will be taken by a qualified social worker. Where a child is believed to be at risk of significant harm, a Child Protection Plan should be in place while there is risk of significant harm.

The inter-agency group working with the child and their family will be known as the Core Group.

Child protection plan

Prior to the CPPM, agencies will have been working to an Interim Safety Plan since the point of IRD. The CPPM should review this plan and develop a Child Protection Plan. 

The Plan must –

  • Be developed in collaboration and consultation with the child and their family
  • Link actions to intended reduction or elimination of risk
  • Be current and consider the child’s short, medium and long-term outcomes
  • Clearly state who is responsible for each action
  • Include a named lead professional
  • Include named key contributors (the Core Group)
  • Include detailed contingencies if the plan is not being fully implemented
  • Consider how children can sensitively be involved and/or their views represented

Plan's objectives and outcomes

The Plan’s objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound (SMART) and be regularly re-evaluated. Interventions should be proportionate and linked to intended outcomes in ways understood by all involved especially children and parents.

Participants should receive a record of the agreed Child Protection Plan within 10 working days of the CPPM.

The full Child Protection Plan will be formulated in conjunction with the family at the initial core group following the CPPM.