Planning to go home and discharge
You may need stronger pain killers on discharge for the first week you return home. You should reduce these according to the instructions on the packet.
Complications do not happen often, but you need to be aware of what is normal for you and check for any changes. When you are discharged home after your surgery you will be able to use an emergency number that links directly to the on-call surgeon (phone 01324 __________ ) if you have any serious worries or concerns including new worsening abdominal pain or distention, fever and/or vomiting.
- For routine enquires for advice, you can contact the Colorectal Specialist Nurses 01324 566237 (Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 4.00 pm).
- Your surgeon will see you back in the clinic approx 8 weeks after your operation. You will receive a call when you’re home from a member of the team to check your progress. Some patients may have reviews sooner depending on their operation outcome.
- You can record your progress in our diary section.
Operation Wound
- It is not unusual for your wounds to be slightly red or uncomfortable during the first 1-2 weeks after surgery.
- If required the ward will arrange for a District Nurse to review your wound. They will contact you at home and arrange a visit.
- You can shower on day one after your surgery.
- Gently allow the shower to run over your wound (do not scrub the areas).