Provision of patient information is a key aspect of health services whether this is written, verbal or in other formats.
Services should assess all patient facing written information to ensure it is accessible.
Identify the core information patients will need and have this available in plain English before requesting translations through the Clear to All service. Clinical letters, diagnostic instructions and compliance-related written information specific to an individual patient can also be translated through this service.
Some patients will wish to take home information about their condition in English, as well as the language they read. This is so family members who read only English are aware of the details.
If your service has high numbers of service users who do not speak English, identify the language profile over a few months and decide on an appropriate stock of your core service information in community languages. For example, in the NHSGGC area there are over 100 languages in use. Maternity Services reviewed their language profile and identified that their service information should be translated and made readily available in at least 10 community languages. Any language out with this list could then be requested via Clear to All as required.
Please be aware if your leaflet is providing additional information through links to English language websites. If the information is integral to the content, it should be translated and provided separately. Otherwise, the leaflet should include a statement to say, ‘If you are unable to access the information on this site, please speak to your clinician’.
All patient leaflets should include the NHSGGC statement regarding availability in accessible formats. For more information go to Alternative Format/Language text section at Interpreting & Language Resources .
When you have completed your review of your service leaflets and implemented this approach, ensure that all staff are aware of how and when to use patient information.
Consider, when making new resources, how this will be translated. This particularly relates to audio and video resources. Liaising with Clear to All is essential to establish the most suitable format. Videos can be voiced over (not subtitled) in community languages but ensure the images used in videos represent our diverse population.