This content is from the BTS, NICE and SIGN guideline - Asthma: diagnosis, monitoring and chronic asthma management, (SIGN 245), 2024.

Diagnosis is hard in this age group because it is difficult to do the tests and there are no good reference standards.



1.3.1. For children under 5 with suspected asthma, treat with inhaled corticosteroids in line with the recommendations on medicines for initial management in children under 5, and review the child on a regular basis. If they still have symptoms when they reach 5 years, attempt objective tests (see the section on objective tests for diagnosing asthma in adults, young people and children aged 5 to 16).

[NICE 2017]



1.3.2 If a child is unable to perform objective tests when they are aged 5:

  • try doing the tests again every 6 to 12 months until satisfactory results are obtained
  • refer for specialist assessment if the child’s asthma is not responding to treatment.

[NICE 2017, BTS/SIGN 2019, BTS/NICE/SIGN amended 2024]



1.3.3 Refer to a specialist respiratory paediatrician any preschool child with an admission to hospital, or 2 or more admissions to an emergency department, with wheeze in a 12-month period.