Management of person(s) with DIARRHOEA on first day of illness

Care Home Staff/Manager

  • Report to staff member in charge
  • Start a stool and fluid balance chart, maintain and check regularly
  • Implement infection control precautions (see page 2)
  • Gather information for General Practitioner (GP) (see page 2)
  • Contact GP to request a review of unwell person(s) If requested by GP take faecal sample (see page 2)
  • Encourage person to drink water and other fluids
  • Administer oral rehydration solutions as prescribed by the GP
  • Monitor for signs of condition worsening e.g. blood pressure < 100 mmHg systolic and pulse > 100 beats per minute


General Practitioner

  • Review patient using information provided by care home
  • Determine if hospitalisation required
  • Consider cause of diarrhoea
  • Advise care home staff on next steps e.g. take faecal sample
  • Advise on any changes to regular medication
  • Contact Care Home Manager or deputy to advise of CDI result
  • Advise on need for continued isolation if CDI negative or unconfirmed