Experiences of postdiagnostic support
Attitudes and beliefs around dementia
Service providers should provide postdiagnostic support that is co-ordinated between services, meets the needs of people with dementia and their carers and encourages their engagement with services.
Service providers should consider carers’ preferences for psychosocial support and education.
Service providers and health and social care providers should consider and address stigma and how the person with dementia and their carer(s) view the illness and options for care, based on their knowledge, experience and cultural beliefs, to encourage health-seeking behaviours and uptake of care and services
Postdiagnostic support should be available throughout all stages of the disease, and in all settings, aligned to the needs of the person with dementia or their carers.
Professionals should be aware of the important relationship and interlinked needs of the person with dementia and their carer(s) and should consider whether relationships are positive, supportive and equitable.