
Do not start antibiotic therapy until above obtained and discuss all cases with microbiology and orthopaedics.

See separate guidance for Diabetic foot infections.

Required investigations

  • Blood cultures x 2 sets (10mls in each bottle)
  • Bone and tissue samples sent to microbiology for microscopy and culture; these should be obtained by percutaneous biopsy or during surgery. Superficial swabs are discouraged.

Antimicrobial recommendation

Recommended total duration: 6 weeks (Total duration = IV + oral)

First line Flucloxacillin 2g every 6 hours IV
Penicillin allergy OR previous MRSA colonisation or infection Vancomycin IV (use NHS Lothian Calculator on AMT intranet page); aim trough levels 15-20mg/L


  • Surgical debridement might be required if progression to chronic osteomyelitis is to be avoided.
  • Within 7 days after surgery (or, if the infection is being managed without surgery, within 7 days after the start of IV antibiotic treatment) IV to oral switch should be considered. Choice of agent depends on microbiology results.
  • When clinically stable, consider OPAT referral for outpatient IV treatment or monitoring of complex oral treatment regimes.

Likely organisms: Staphylococcus aureus

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 24/04/2024

Next review date: 01/04/2027