Vancomycin Prescribing

Children and Neonates
Refer to RACH / AMH guidance [intranet links only]
Refer to the full vancomycin guideline for adults for further details on prescribing, administering and monitoring.
Use the adult calculator choosing the 'Intermittent' option
Continuous infusion of vancomycin is only prescribed in high dependency areas.
It is good practice to print a copy of the result if possible. The printed vancomycin dose calculation should be filed with the patient's vancomycin prescription and administration record.
Prescribe vancomycin on the (green) vancomycin prescription, administration and monitoring chart - available on wards or via your ward pharmacist. If your ward area use HEPMA, vancomycin must also be prescribed as a 'PRN' selecting 'Vancomycin (ADULTS) Infusion AS PER PAPER CHART' with the dose entered as ‘1 dose’ and the frequency field left blank.