
7 days

Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - (First line)

Important: Therapy

Start treatment once sensitivity results known.

Take urine culture 7 days after completion of therapy as test of cure.


Symptomatic UTI in pregnancy - notes

Important: Therapy

  • Samples should be taken prior to starting treatment.
  • Send blood for culture if pyrexial.
  • Start treatment while awaiting sample results and review in light of results.
  • Take urine culture 7 days after completion of therapy as test of cure.


Symptomatic UTI in pregnancy - 1st line

Important: Therapy

Nitrofurantoin oral m/r 100mg 12 hourly OR i/r 50mg 6 hourly

(Avoid in third trimester or renal impairment)


Symptomatic UTI in pregnancy - 2nd line

Important: Therapy

Trimethoprim oral 200mg 12 hourly

(Avoid in the first trimester for all pregnant women.  Trimethoprim should be avoided in all trimesters by pregnant women with established folate deficiency, low dietary folate intake or women taking other folate antagonists.) 


Symptomatic UTI in pregnancy - 3rd line

Important: Therapy

Cefalexin 500mg oral 12 hourly
