Suspected meningococcal disease

NICE Meningitis


Transfer all patients to hospital immediately.

IF time before hospital admission, and non-blanching rash, give IV benzylpenicillin or cefotaxime, unless definite history of hypersensitivity.


Prevention of secondary case of meningitis:     

Only prescribe following advice from Public Health Doctor:  9 am – 5 pm: 01786 457 260

Out of hours:  Call Switchboard at FVRH 01324 566000 and ask for Public health Doctor on call 01786 457260

Drug details

IV or IM benzylpenicillin

Age 10+ years: 1200mg

Children 1-9 year: 600mg

Children ​less than than 1 year: 300mg

Give IM if vein cannot be found


IV or IM cefotaxime

Age 12+ years: 1g

Children <12 years: 50mg/kg

Give IM if vein cannot be found