Acute Exacerbation of COPD
Acute exacerbation of COPD
Many exacerbations (including some severe exacerbations) are not caused by bacterial infections so will not respond to antibiotics
Treat exacerbations promptly with antibiotics if purulent sputum and increased shortness of breath and/or increased sputum volume.
Risk factors for antibiotic resistant organisms and clinical failure include frailty, co-morbid disease, severe COPD (MRC>3), frequent exacerbations, antibiotics in last 3 months.
If treatment failure, send sputum samples for sensitivity testing.
Drug details
First choice
500mg TDS
5 days
200mg stat then 100mg OD
5 days
If higher risk of clinical failure (see Comment above):
Guided by recent microbiological cultures or Co-trimoxazole
960mg BD
5 days