Periorbital or preseptal cellulitis

Discussion with ophthalmology is advised

Multi-disciplinary management including paediatric, ENT and Ophthalmology review for any moderate or severe infections or if eye signs are present (restricted eye movement, pain, proptosis, reduced vision).

Co-amoxiclav IV

If true penicillin allergy:

Ciprofloxacin IV (review MHRA Safety Advice before prescribing)


Clindamycin IV

Duration: 10 to 14 days


For all infections other than conjunctivitis, seek Ophthalmology advice
Most cases are viral and do not require antibiotic treatment. If no better after 3 to 5 days of eye toilet, consider antibiotic therapy.

Chloramphenicol 0.5 % drops

Apply 1 drop topically to each affected eye 4 times daily.

Duration: 5 days

If no resolution after this time seek ophthalmology advice.

Use separate bottles for each eye.

Chloramphenicol ointment can also be used.

Consult Ophthalmologist if infection is severe, or if worsening signs.