A&A | Ayrshire and Arran Health Board |
ADR | Adverse drug reaction |
BAP | British Association for Psychopharmacology |
BP | Blood pressure |
B-Z | Benzodiazepines and/or z-hypnotics |
CBT | Cognitive behavioural therapy |
cCBT | Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pukmonary Disease |
DDD | Average defined daily |
D&G | Dumfries and Galloway Health Board |
DOAC | Direct oral anticoagulant |
ECT | Electro Convulsive Treatment |
eGFR | estimated glomerular filtration rate |
FBC | Full blood count |
FV | Forth Valley Health Board |
GAD | Generalized anxiety disorder |
GAD-7 | Generalised Anxiety Disorder questionnaire |
GGC | Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board |
GP | General practitioner |
HbA1c | Glycated haemoglobin |
HSCP | Health and Social Care Partnership |
IBW | Ideal body weight |
LFTs | Liver function tests |
MAOI | Monoamine oxidase inhibitor |
MDI | Metered dose inhaler |
MHRA | Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency |
MR | Modified Release |
NHS | National Health Service |
NICE | National Institute for Clinical Excellence |
NNH | Numbers needed to harm |
NNT | Numbers needed to treat |
NSAID | Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder |
OTC | Over the counter |
PHQ-9 | Patient Health Questionnaire |
PROMs | Patient Reported Outcomes Measures |
PTSD | Post-traumatic stress disorder |
SNRI | Serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor |
SSRI | Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor |
STU | Scottish Therapeutics Utility |
TCA | Tricyclic antidepressants |
TIA | Transient ischaemic attack |
U&Es | Urea and electrolytes |
WI | Western Isles Health Board |