Care Inspectorate - initial inquiries

Registered Care Services must separately notify the Care Inspectorate and the council’s contracts department using an e-notification referral system or by telephone when an allegation or evidence of harm is received which may involve one or more service users. If a verbal referral is made this should be followed up with an e-notification to ensure an audit trail for tracking incidents.
The Care Inspectorate should discuss the outcome of any intervention or risk assessment they carry out with the responsible Social Work Manager and/or Contracts Section to clarify whether any regulatory action is required from the outset.
If considering possible regulatory action, discussion should be held with the council involved and where appropriate, the police and/or Procurator Fiscal to ensure that any Care Inspectorate activity will not interfere with ongoing investigations.
The Care Inspectorate will complete and submit an ASP referral to Social Work Services as required under the Act following ASP allegations and complaints that come to them. Social Work Services will undertake Inquiries and inform the Care Inspectorate of the outcome.