A visit to the adult and an interview with them is likely to be central to the investigation and will usually require careful planning and a sensitive approach. 

It is the task of the Senior Social Worker to agree the format of the investigation. The Multi-Agency IRD (Initial referral discussion) will inform and support this process.

The investigation must be a planned process and roles and remits of the investigating officers must be agreed beforehand as to:

  • the time and place of the visit - the visit must be made at reasonable times whether to give notification of proposed visit and of the purpose (for both of the above there is a need to take into account level and nature of risk and the likelihood of being able to speak to the adult in private)
  • who will ask the questions
  • who will record the interview
  • timescales for completion of each task
  • the benefit of involving Advocacy Services
  • support for the adult and any carer
  • communication requirements
  • is there a need to access other agency records
  • involvement of medical staff in the investigation
  • involvement of Mental Health Officer services in the process.
  • any potential issues as to capacity, consent and undue pressure
  • risk assessment undertaken to ensure staff safety during any visit.

The content of interviews and any decisions made by the adult, including who attends, require to be appropriately recorded.  Reference should be made to guidance given in local procedures.