The case conference should assess, analyse and evaluate all available information and on the basis of identified risks and needs, develop a defensible action plan to address these.  The multi-agency partners play a crucial role in identifying risk and need and in the development and implementation of an appropriate support / protection plan.

The chairperson should introduce the case conference by confirming

  • The purpose and function of the case conference within the context of adult protection procedures under the ASP (S) 2007 Act
  • That certain information pertaining to the adult at risk may have to be restricted and give the reason for that restriction
  • Ask participants to introduce themselves and identify their role
  • Clarify the role of the minute taker and the need to clearly record discussion
  • The Council Officer should be asked by the chairperson to share information beginning with the circumstances of the referral and conduct of inquiries.
  • The content of any reports submitted should be shared and noted
  • There should be a consideration of the risks of harm, the nature and level of such risks and the likelihood of recurrence 
  • All relevant legislation should be considered
  • Be responsible for leading the discussion and ensuring that all those invited are given the opportunity to participate and contribute to the discussions.
  • Hold ultimate responsibility for decision making within the AP Case conference and subsequent review case conferences.
  • Summarise all decisions, actions and who is responsible for carrying these out so that these decisions are recorded by the person taking the minute of the meeting and following these being typed up circulated to all relevant persons within one working day from the meeting
  • Ensure that the decision is recorded on social work systems after the case conference
  • Ensure that the minutes of the case conference are accurate, do not include sensitive information that may jeopardise any ongoing investigations and that they are distributed to the appropriate agencies and, where appropriate, the family and or carer and the adult within 10 working days of the case conference.