The decision to end the adult protection process should be taken at either the initial or review case conference. The decision should be defensible and recorded in the Minute.

For the meeting the initial investigation report or an adult protection review report should be available. Consideration should also be given to the need for an updated risk assessment at a review case conference in order to inform decision making.

There are three key elements that require to be considered before ending the adult protection process:


Current and future of risk:

  1. Is the adult still experiencing harm and/or is there a likelihood they will continue to experience harm if this process ends?
  2. Have the actions of the protection plan been implemented and have they achieved their intended outcomes?
  3. Has the individual(s) alleged to be causing the harm cooperated with the plan, including any protection orders?
  4. Is the individual(s) alleged to be causing the harm still in contact and/or are they likely to re-establish contact if the adult protection process ends?
  5. Have there been any significant issues in relation to the adult and/or relative, carer or significant other(s)?
  6. What steps have been taken to overcome all or any of these issues?


Current views of all relevant parties:

  1. What is the view of the adult, have they been spoken to alone and have they been seen at home?
  2. What is the view of the carer(s), relative(s) or significant other(s)?
  3. Have the views of the relevant professionals been sought or considered within or out with the case conference processes?


Future planning and arrangements:

Is there evidence that the adult at risk's welfare will be safeguarded and promoted should the adult protection process end or the case closed?

  1. What will be the ongoing care and support plan?
  2. Are there risks best managed via another process – care management, care programme approach, use of other legislation and processes?
  3. If further adult concerns arise is the adult, carer(s), significant other(s), care provider(s), and any other agencies clear as to how to escalate?
  4. If the case is to be closed is the adult, carer(s), significant other(s), care provider(s), and any other agencies clear as to how/who to refer back to?

End of Conference Core Group

A further core group should be held following the final case conference to ensure that risks continue to be managed by the protection plan/support plan. If risks continue to be managed ASP process will conclude.