Chairperson's responsibilities
The Chairperson will be an experienced manager, with relevant knowledge and understanding of adult support and protection legislation and procedures.
It is acknowledged that as social work services become part of HSCPs, operational managers may have different professional backgrounds. This may make it difficult to ensure that ASP case conferences are chaired by managers who are registered social workers/Council Officers. It is recommended that any manager chairing an ASP case conference should have completed the ASP Council Officer training in line with local requirements (2 days minimum).
They must have experience in risk assessment and protection planning, and have knowledge of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and the Mental Health Care and Treatment (Scotland) Act 2003 to ensure that decision making is informed by an appropriate legislation knowledge base. Where the Chairperson lacks this knowledge then an appropriately trained team manager or member of legal services should be in attendance to give advice. Local Authorities may organise specific training in Chairing ASP Case Conferences to take account of local requirements.
Case conferences should be an inclusive process involving the adult at risk of harm and all relevant agencies with an interest where reasonable and practicable.