Purpose and audience

The Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Partnership has developed this app in partnership with the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre. It aims to provide health and social care staff, police and other partner agencies with guidance and good practice information about adult support and protection.  This will support staff in applying professional judgement based on principles and values, so that they make the best possible decisions in adult support and protection.

The app is based on the West of Scotland Adult Support and Protection Guidance and Dumfries and Galloway Multi-Agency Guidance

By making this guidance more readily accessible at point of need in community and care settings, it will deliver the following benefits:

  • Staff and public confidence that decisions about adult support and protection are safe and effective, complying with national legislation and local guidance. 
  • Clarity and consistency in assessing risk and in managing the complex processes involved in adult support and protection.
  • Clearer communication across the wider multi-professional and multi-agency team about clients’ needs.
  • Faster decision-making

If you see something, say something. The Social Work staff receiving the information will take your concerns seriously and will make a decision about whether, and how, to take action.





The content within this app/ website is based on current evidence and best practice, however it is intended to be applied alongside sound professional judgement.  As such, Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Partnership and the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre are not responsible or liable for any management decision made on the basis of the information provided via this app/website.

Use of this app within care contexts should always be in accordance with local policies and guidance with regard to clinical practice and mobile device usage.

Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Partnership and the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre are not responsible for the content of any external websites listed, nor do they endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on in any of these websites.

All use of this resource is subject to Scots law and the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts and is subject to this disclaimer.  Any views given on the app/website are not necessarily those of Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection Partnership, the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre, or anyone connected with us.

You can email publicprotection@dumgal.gov.uk for further clarification about anything you have read on this App. 


Privacy statement

If you choose to send feedback or an enquiry using the Feedback form on this app, you will be invited to provide your name and email address. This is so that the DHI support team can respond to your comments.

This information is sent to the decisionsupport@dhi-scotland.com email address where it is stored securely. All person-identifiable information is destroyed after 12 months from date of receipt.

You can email decisionsupport@dhi-scotland.com at any time during this 12 month period to ask to view your comments, and amend if required, or to ask that the information is removed.

If you download the app to your mobile device, you are strongly encouraged to ensure that anti-virus software is installed on your device. This will protect the app against corruption of the  structure or content. 


Browser and operating system compatibility

  • The downloadable mobile app is supported by Android 4.4 or later and iOS 8.0 or later devices.
  • The website is optimised for use on both desktop and mobile devices in the following browsers - IE9+ (note that there may be some degradation in display in IE9), Chrome, Edge, and Safari.