Core group and case conference/review case conferences

The core group has delegated responsibility to develop and progress the protection plan and to ensure that the agreed outcomes are being met. This is achieved through a sequence of case conference, core group and review case conference meetings.
The core group meets for an initial case conference, followed by two four-weekly meetings and a first review case conference. This cycle of four weekly meetings of the core group and review case conference every three months continues until the process is concluded.
Core Group (4 weekly)
The Core Group has delegated responsibility to progress the protection plan and ensure that the agreed outcomes are being met. This group reports back to the adult protection case conference. The Council Officer is responsible for the continued monitoring of the protection plan. Where it has been identified that urgent action is required, the manager must agree to any changes to the protection plan. The changes will be ratified retrospectively at the next case conference/review case conference (which depending on the situation, may need to be held sooner).
These meetings are important, and all members of the multi-agency group are expected to attend. Thus, a multi-agency approach is implemented throughout the whole process, including regular liaison between more formal review meetings.
Review Case Conference (3 monthly)
The purpose of the Review Case Conference is to: -
- summarise support and outcomes to date and to confirm the current situation ▪ review risk management plans and establish current level of risk
- ensure agreed duties and responsibilities across partner agencies have been fulfilled and agree any remedial action where a shortfall has been identified
- review and if necessary, up-date the Protection Plan and associated service provision
- ensure intervention or legal powers exercised in relation to the Principles remains proportionate and are the least restrictive option in terms of maximising benefit and offering effective protection to the adult.
Unless the decision is for no further action a review case conference must be held within three months of the first case conference and three monthly thereafter and be chaired by a trained Manager . A date and time for the review must be confirmed at the end of the first case conference.
A review case conference can be called at any time throughout the process, and any partner can ask for a review case conference.
The Council Officer is responsible for the continued monitoring of the protection plan. Where it has been identified that urgent action is required, the Chair will agree and implement any immediate changes to the protection plan in order to safeguard the adult. The changes will be ratified retrospectively at the next review case conference (which depending on the situation, may need to be held sooner).