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NHS Lothian

Key contacts

Anna Wimberley, Project Team Manager, EHSCP


Senior responsible owner 

Angela Lindsay, Home First and Community Resources SRO, EHSCP


Accessibility checks

Content has been checked for accessibility in line with the relevant RDS standard operating procedure.


Content management and governance

Content management processes initially defined by ACP Resources Editorial Group, a subgroup of NHS Lothian ACP Steering Group, under Lothian Care Academy. Processes are being reviewed as part of current capacity discussions.


Content review

Content of toolkit designed, tested and clinically reviewed through iterative improvement projects, please see evaluation reports:

7 steps to ACP referenced as best practice in Scottish Government's My Health, My Care, My Home healthcare framework for adults living in care homes.

7 steps to ACP ongoing review and reciprocal learning through input to Scottish Government's Future Care Planning working group, informing ongoing/future developments.

Continued partnership working and content review with GP practices and care homes in Edinburgh, with clinical review led by EHSCP's Future Care Planning GP Advisor.

Review dates and responsibilities initially defined by ACP Resources Editorial Group, a subgroup of NHS Lothian ACP Steering Group, under Lothian Care Academy. Processes are being reviewed as part of current capacity discussions.



Copyright compliance for content has been checked and confirmed.

All icons are from, accessed through the licence held by Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.


Evidence base

Evidence for toolkit content reviewed through iterative improvement projects, please see learning and evaluation reports:

7 steps to ACP informing, and being informed by, evidence gathered through Scottish Government's Future Care Planning working group.

Continued partnership working and content review with care homes & GP practices, informing real time assurance & improvement data.


Governance sign-off and ongoing development

The content in this toolkit was signed off by Lothian Care Academy, ACP Steering Group in December 2022.

The Lothian Care Academy, Future Care Planning Steering Group will oversee ongoing development.


Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

Feedback sought and acted on as part of iterative improvement projects, please see

Planned evaluation of online Care Home Education & Training, Improvement & Assurance will provide further feedback and inform improvements.

Feedback received by RDS via the online form will be forwarded by the RDS team to the key contact named above.


Risk assessment

The app has been risk assessed, and mitigations put in place where required.


User testing

Content tested throughout design and testing phase, please see evaluation reports:

Further functional and usability testing planned as part of planned evaluation of online Care Home Training & Education, Improvement & Assurance package (this toolkit forms part of the broader online package):