- Ask about mechanism of injury. If there is a possibility of an orbital foreign body, arrange CT orbits
- Explore depth of wound, check vision and examine ocular surface. If there is a significant ocular injury follow the ocular trauma protocol
- Check tetanus status, give booster if necessary
- Animal bites require broad spectrum oral antibiotics
- Superficial tear to skin
- Clean and apply steristrips
- Deep laceration
- Clean and glue or suture with 6/0 nylon (or similar)
- Refer for routine ophthalmology follow-up
- Any laceration involving the lid margin, any laceration nasal to the punctum in either the upper or lower lid, or if there is extensive tissue loss or distortion of the anatomy
- Apply chloramphenicol ointment
- Apply non-stick dressing (such as Gelonet)
- Apply pad or gauze, and tape tightly
- Arrange for follow up with Ophthalmology that day or, if out of hours, the following day
Lid trauma (Guidelines)

- Highland Health and Social Care Partnership
- Primary and Secondary Care
CT: Computed tomography