Acute Cough Bronchitis (Antimicrobial)

Antibiotic little benefit if no co-morbidity.
Consider 7 day delayed antibiotic prescription with advice.
Symptom resolution can take 3 weeks.
Consider immediate antibiotics if >80yr and ONE of: hospitalisation in past year, oral steroids, diabetic, congestive heart failure OR >65yrs with 2 of above.
Consider CRP test if antibiotics being considered.
No antibiotics if CRP less than 20mg/l and symptoms for more than 24 hours; delayed antibiotics if CRP 20 to 100mg/l; immediate antibiotics if CRP greater than 100mg/l.
For glossary of terms see Glossary.
Drug details
Amoxicillin 1g three times daily
5 days
OR Doxycycline 200mg stat then 100mg once daily
5 days