Inclusion Criteria
- Please complete hot clinic referral form with as much information as you can and complete EDL for the patient stating the patient will return to the hot clinic. There is a hot clinic referral form available in AECU - ask an ANP regarding this. Ideally these patients should be discussed with the consultant.
- Rapid re-review of patients discharged from IAU or AECU ONLY – either to ensure they are clinically responding to treatment
- To repeat abnormal bloods or perform further investigations e.g. Ultrasound (US Doppler, Liver and Kidneys) and CT scans (CTPA, CT Head, CT CAP)
- Ambulatory patients (Clinical Frailty Score <5 without significant cognitive issues) and are able to arrange their own transport to/from hospital.
- If patient is coming for radiology investigations, this should be requested prior to attendance at hot clinic by the referring doctor. The patient will be contacted by the AECU staff in the morning of their scan to inform them what time they should attend.
- If patient is coming for blood investigations, the patient should attend between 8.30 - 11.30 am.
- Patients should not be brought back to this simply to be given results of investigations. OP scans results will be seen by the IAU team, and if there is an abnormality then they can either be brought back to clinic at that point, or referred on to another specialty.
Exclusion Criteria
- Patients requiring MRI scans, if this required discuss with consultant.
- Patients requiring specialty review for example gastroenterology, rheumatology and cardiology and non-medical specialties. Consider referring straight to specialty as OP and if patient clinically stable. If not, consider admission.
- Patients out with IAU/AMAU and AECU.
- Patients who do not meet AECU clinical pathways.
- Patients who have cognitive impairment and significant frailty