Here you will find guides and support to help you to find your way about the patient and carer toolkit. 

Please note: much of the content below refers to the original polypharmacy website and app This content is now part of the Right Decisions Service and can be found on the website and on the app which is available to download using the app store links below. 

Medicines reviews and the 7 Steps approach

Using the Manage Medicines app to prepare for your medicines review

The role of the pharmacist

Is the treatment right for me and what are the risks and benefits?

Demo: Medicines A-Z

Medicines A-Z

(3 mins)

Find out how to use the NHS UK Medicines Dictionary to find out what your medicines are for, how to take them, who can and cannot take these medicines, possible side-effects and how to cope with them.

Demo: My Medicines

My Medicines

 (3 mins)

This video shows you how to create a list of your medicines, add notes, and save the list to your app for future reference

Demo: Questions for my review

Questions for my Review

(Full version 11 mins)

(Abridged version 5 mins)

A step by step guide to using this toolkit to record information about your experience of taking medicines, and the issues that matter to you. It shows you how to send this information to your GP or pharmacist before and after your review. This will help you both to discuss the best approach to your medicines.

Demo: Decision-making tools

Decision-making tools


How to access and use tools that use words and pictures to tell you how likely a medicine is to help you, and the chances of experiencing side effects. Use this section of the app to support discussion with your healthcare professional.