Below includes some resources and useful websites for further information about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and supporting children, young people and families.
Asylum Seekers
We Journey Together is a resource pack for frontline staff, practitioners and volunteers across all sectors who may support asylum seekers and refugees as part of their roles. Click here
to access the website.
Please note, contains potentially upsetting content and not advised for use with under 14s.
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Communities
Amina – The Muslim Women Resource Centre have a range of online toolkits and resources suitable for Secondary Schools on their website. Click here
to access it.
Intercultural Youth Scotland have resources, videos, blogs and reports on their website for Primary and Secondary Schools. Click here
to access it.
TURAS Equality and Diversity Zone provides a range of resources relating to Race, one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Information, resources and awareness raising on racial equality, diversity and inclusion and included in the page. Click here
to access.
Care Experienced
Celcis has a range of free supporting resources, information, webinars and a knowledge bank on their website for Primary and Secondary Schools. Click here
to access it. There is a dedicated section for education resources including an education forum.
The Promise Scotland has a range of supporting resources, reports, links and webinars on their website, including a document on keeping the Promise in Education. Click here
to access the website.
Who Cares? Scotland is a national voluntary organisation, working with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland. They support care experienced young people to have their voice heard. Click here
to access the website.
The Autism Toolbox is a resource to support the inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream education services in Scotland. Click here
to access it.
TURAS Equality and Diversity Zone provides a range of resources relating to disability, one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Click here
to access.
I am Me Scotland – Education Scotland Resources encourage children and young people to recognise and understand the range of disabilities, including hidden disabilities. Designed to be progressive, the lessons highlight the impact of bullying and the consequences of hate crime, whilst encouraging children to be inclusive and embracing of difference. Click here to access.
Disability Matters provide free resources and E learning for the UK workforce. Click here to access.
Gender Based Violence
Relationships and Sexual Health section highlights several GBV resources including RSHP, Keeping Mum, Crush and Equally Safe at School. Click here
to view.
Equally Safe at School Equally Safe at School has been developed for secondary schools to help them take a whole school approach to preventing gender-based violence, with staff and students working together with a shared understanding and commitment to equality and safety for all. Click here
to view
Preventing and Responding to Gender Based Violence: A Whole School Framework. This framework provides support to those working with and in schools to develop and strengthen universal and targeted approaches to gender-based violence. Click here
to view.
Young Scot have developed materials and resources for children and young people around healthy relationships and domestic abuse. Click here
to access them.
LGBTQI+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and Intersex people, and all gender identities and sexual orientations)
LGBT Schools Charter is a programme to ensure your school proactively includes LGBT people. Click here
to find out more.
LGBT Youth Scotland work with young people aged 13 to 25 and their goal is to make Scotland the best place to grow up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people. Click here
to access their website for more information.
Time for Inclusive Education are an LGBT Inclusive Education charity. The charity take an educational approach to tackling homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying and prejudice in schools. Resources for secondary schools (including lesson plans) are available online to download. Click here
to access the website.
TURAS Equality and Diversity Zone provides a range of resources and learning relating to sexual orientation, one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. Click here
to access.
Resilience Toolkit with top ten tips for resilience poster provides a visual aid and practical guidance for promoting the resilience of children and young people. The resource includes interactive sessions and is designed to be used by workers and volunteers working with young people aged 10 and over. Click here
to access it.
Trauma Informed Practice
Addressing Childhood Adversity and developing a trauma informed approach: an infographic created by the Glasgow City Health Improvement Team provides a snapshot of adverse childhood experiences and trauma for young people in Scotland and how we can address them. Click here
to access it.
Public Health Scotland provide an overview of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Health Inequalities and National on their website. Click here
to access it.
The National Trauma Training Programme resources are openly available to support all members of the Scottish workforce to meet the vision of: “A trauma informed and responsive nation and workforce, that is capable of recognising where people are affected by trauma and adversity, that is able to respond in ways that prevent further harm and support recovery, and can address inequalities and improve life chances.” Click here
to access the programme.
Young Carers
Education Scotland Young Carers Resource can be used to help identify young carers and to highlight the impact of caring. Downloadable reference documents and links to key legislation, policy and guidance are also provided. Click here
to access the website.
Young Carers in Schools
Carers Trust Young Carers in Schools Click here
. They have also created a useful resource on identifying and supporting young carers in education. Click here
to access this.
Carer Aware Glasgow City HSCP resources here 
Getting support Glasgow City HSCP – Refer a young carer here 
Young Carers Glasgow City HSCP information here 
Young Parents
The Young Parents’ Support Base forms part of a wider strategic approach to supporting young parents in Glasgow which includes key partners such as Health, Social Work, Education, Development and Regeneration Services and Skills Development Scotland. The overall aim of the service is to support young parents to attain the best possible start in life for themselves and their children. In working towards this aim, young parents involved with the Base have opportunities to engage in a variety of individual and group work activities to support their development as a person and as a parent. The Base provides opportunities around a wide range of health and social needs for all young parents. For more information, click here 
Youth Homelessness
Rock Trust has a range of publications and supporting resources on their website to help people learn more about youth homelessness including the Youth Homelessness Prevention Pathway. Click here
to access it.
Runaway Helpline has been supporting young people for many years and is run by the UK charity Missing People. The charity have produced a free resource to use with children and young people who may be at risk of running away or going missing. Click here
to access it.
Simon Community Scotland's vision is for everyone to have a safe place to live with access to the help they need. Simon Community have services for adults and young people. Their website contains a range of resources and information to support learning on youth homelessness. Click here
to access.
Youth Justice
Families Outside is the only national charity in Scotland working exclusively on behalf of families affected by imprisonment. A range of information for parents and young people as well as professionals is available on their website. Click here
to access.
Mentors in Violence Prevention is Scotland's largest anti-violence schools programme. It aims to empower young people to safely speak out against all forms of violence from rape and sexual harassment to bullying and abusive behaviour. Click here
to find out more.
No Knives Better Lives has a range of resources available for working with young people. Click here
to access the website.
The Violence Reduction Unit work closely with colleagues and partners across health, education, social work, housing and other areas to identify, understand and address the underlying causes of violence. A range of resources, reports and learning are available on their website. Click here
to access
Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities Professional Learning Framework, from Education Scotland. Click here
to access.
School Attendance, Emotionally based School non attendance, resources and information from educational psychology. Click here
to access.
Glasgow Virtual School Information. Click here
to access.
Language Matters – How to Talk about Health Inequalities in the Context of Young People. Resources from AYPH. Click here
to access.