About the antimicrobial prescribing calculators
About these calculators
The calculator suite includes the following three antimicrobial calculators:
- Gentamicin (GGC)
- Gentamicin (Hartford version)
- Vancomycin
The purpose of these calculators is to deliver recommendations that will support clinicians in the safe prescribing and intravenous administration of these antibiotics for adult hospital inpatients, aged 16 and over. Gentamicin and vancomycin are both used in hospital settings for treatment of severe infection. The manual calculation of dosage and infusion rate for these antibiotics is complex and prone to error. Clinicians have confirmed in testing and feedback that these electronic calculators reduce the risk of clinical error with impact on patient safety.
Exclusions and contraindications for use of the calculators are detailed on the start page of each calculator.
The calculators are intended to be used by suitably qualified healthcare staff. Key user groups include hospital pharmacists, including specialist antimicrobial pharmacists, and medical staff of all grades. The calculators should not be used by healthcare staff without suitable qualifications and should not be used by the general public as a substitute for professional advice.
These calculators support national policies on gentamicin and vancomycin available from Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) and available from the SAPG website Antimicrobial-specific guidance (sapg.scot) but please also refer to local antimicrobial prescribing guidance and policies.
If the calculators are unavailable please refer to your local antimicrobial policies and contact a member of the antimicrobial management team in your health board if you need further assistance.
Initial versions of these calculators were designed by Greater Glasgow and Clyde and then later adapted and developed for national use by Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group and NHS Education Scotland (NES) as part of the antimicrobial companion
These calculators are only intended for use in Scotland
The calculators are based on current evidence and best practice, however they are intended to be applied alongside sound clinical judgement. As such, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis or management decision made on the basis of the calculators.
Use of these calculators within patient care settings should always be in accordance with local policies and guidance.
Healthcare Improvement Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland and the Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group are not responsible for the content of any external websites listed, nor do they endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on in any of these websites.